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Baby Log

May 18, 2003 - Poor Miss New Baby still has no name.

Top runners are: Elizabeth, Faith, Julia, Hannah, and Rachel and then some.

I mean...there are 30,000 names, so we should be able to pick one, right?...Nooooo. In 7 months, we've yet to decide on one... sigh.

We finally started gaining weight. Diana gained 4 pounds since the beginning of the pregnancy. She has a nice baby belly going on :) One of my favorite things is to sit with my hand on Diana's belly and feel the baby move beneath me. It's such an unusual feeling. I can just imagine what it must feel like for her. It's really amazing to watch the baby roll from side to side. She is very graceful (except for when she kicks Diana in the ribs).

This pregnancy is very different from our last (the twins). With the twins, from the 4th month on, it looked like Diana was ready to deliver any day and there was constant movement. 

 We were also considering a VBAC (vagina birth after cesarean), but in weighing the possible consequences and in consulting with our doctor, we decided against it and have scheduled a repeat c-section. It's no doubt a harder recovery, but it's safer for Diana and the baby. 

March 12, 2003 - It was a beautiful day as we went for our sonogram at 9:00. The technician checked the new baby for anomalies such as problems with the head, brain, face, spine, heart and general bone structure, but didn't find any. She measured the fetal heartbeat, which was a perfect 157 BPM.

We then asked the pressing question, whether or not the sex could be determined. She said that she had an idea, but would like to look a bit closer to really see. After a while, the technician paused and showed us 3 little lines which meant that the baby was a girl. This was great news as we were hoping for a girl to even things out around the house. Diana mentioned that she knew to look for either a hotdog (one line) or hamburger (3 lines).

Needless to say that above all, we were happy that the baby was healthy. The technician printed several pictures for us and gave us a video of the examination to take with us.

Diana sent out the following email to everyone:

-----Original Message-----
From: Diana & George Romano [
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 2:42 PM
To: Our Family & Friends
Subject: Hello

Well it looks as though Thinking Pink has worked. Not to mention all the please God let it be a girl requests or all the pinky swears we did didn't hurt either!!! LOL Georgie, Megan and Matthew are gonna have a baby sister. Yahoooo How often in life does one really get exactly what they want... Here's to hoping "miss New Baby" doesn't grow a weiner.

Everything else looked great on the sonogram.....Now we just continue the waiting game

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